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Anyone with an interest in Lighter-Than-Air (LTA) is encouraged to join the Naval Airship Association (NAA). All dues-paying members have full voting rights on NAA matters that require a consensus of the membership.


NAA membership includes a subscription to the NAA quarterly magazine, The Noon Balloon.


Annual membership dues are $35.00 for US residents and $45.00 for international members.


We also hold a reunion every two years, allowing our members from around the world to gather and discuss airships, old and new and to visit some extraordinary airship locations!

Help the NAA keep sailing, donate today!

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Need to update your membership listing or make an address change? Email us!

Why should I consider a membership to the Naval Airship Association?


They do not fly airships any longer. In fact, they stopped in 1962. However, back in 1915 the US Navy acquired their first airship, following Germany's lead in utilizing lighter than air ships (LTA). Airship technology took off in WWII when the Navy led the anti-submarine offense against enemy submarines in the Atlantic.  After WWII, we faced another Atlantic submarine threat and once again, the Navy depended on Airships for anti-sub defense. 


After the Cold War, and the demise of Navy Airships, a number of LTA veterans created The Naval Airship Association, with the goal to: "gather, perpetuate and disseminate the LTA expertise and knowledge that had been accumulated during the US Navy's long involvement and employment of LTA principles." 


The Naval Airship Association survives with the Membership dues of it's members and the kind donations of friends and families of fellow Airship enthusiasts and crew.  Please consider donating today to help us keep the history of Naval Airships alive and to continue to bring new and exciting Airships to a new generation.

© 2019 Naval Airship Association

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