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George Allen

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We lost George Allen last June (see “Black Blimp”). He was a long-serving President of NAA and tireless LTA advocate. Ross Wood, also a Past President, sent along this photo of George officiating at an NAA Reunion. Ed. attended George’s Celebration of Life on the 7th of July. The chapel was filled with family, friends and colleagues. Dottie Allen told me to pass along her best to all their NAA friends. George’s daughter told of being taken from Disneyland to ride on the Goodyear blimp. The pastor told of George’s service and achievements, sadly not mentioning NAA, so afterwards I gave the pastor a TNB and explained George’s Presidency. By happenstance as we cleared the chapel of flowers, memorabilia, etc., I wound up carrying George’s ashes to Dottie’s car. George’s son-in-law, a retired sub and surface officer, wants someone to come to his Ohio MENSA group and talk blimps. He’ll be in touch.


Dottie had arranged a fitting wake at a nice country club. A number of Retired Officer’s Ass’n members were there, George had also been active with that group. Interested in LTA, they accepted TNBs and said they looked very nice, and they’d like an airship speaker at their meeting.


Dick Trusty e-mailed, “Sorry to hear of George`s passing. We corresponded a number of years ago, when George sent out a call for any members who might have WWII L.T.A. Squadron Emblems. I waited about a month before writing him saying, that I had an original ZP-12 patch. He wrote back, saying he was thrilled to hear my news, as no one else answered his call. As I remember, it was a Disney creation. So, I took a couple of pictures of it and mailed them to George. He notified me as soon as the patches were made, and I`m happy to say, that I bought the first three reproductions. As you no doubt have noticed, they came out great, just like the originals. Yours in L.T.A. Dick Trusty ZP-12” Ω

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